July 9, 2022
Where has this last week gone!
I don’t know about you, but mine’s been spent caring for my canine garden-companion who had surgery for bladder stones this week. Being a Jack Russell, keeping him quietly resting requires total concentration. I’m nothing if not a gaol-warden now and trust me, the prescribed opioids etc have not worked at keeping him sedentary. Sigh!
Grabbing pics has been literally on the run and they’re rather an odd bunch of images which I confess I’ve cheated with and added two that are on my wishlist of future purchases, should I ever win the lottery.

But to start at the beginning. This is my first ever potting up of what? Are they Aeoniums? I don’t know anything about them. They were given to me in this pot and I’m potting them on into terracotta. How do I look after them?

This is our Viburnum Plicatum F. Tomentosum ‘Mariesii which is having a short hiccup, flowering in the middle of winter but I dare say it’s as hopeful as I am that spring is coming.

My most favourite rose of all time, the vibrantly robust Madame Alfred Carriere. We pruned it this hard last year and it flourished so I’ve done the same this year. I want to move it as it shadows my veggie garden too much. Terrified of moving it but we have just under 8 weeks till spring so must do it any minute!

I love terracotta pots in a garden, especially when they age and become heavily covered in mosses and lichens. This pot is a year old and is beginning to oblige. It’s got a clematis planted in it which is a transplant. More on that if it lives to tell the story.

This is the first of my ring-in pics. An Arras greenhouse/summer house for sale this week at one of our most upmarket and favourite garden accoutrement shops – the Jardin Room at Oatlands, Tasmania. I love the summerhouse 11/10!!! At approximately $A8000+, I’m waiting to win the lottery or else will ask a welder my husband has much respect for, how much he would charge to make one similar.

And finally, I have this little pot on my wish list as well. There are so many metal and wire floral sculptures that Aimee Pradel creates that I love. I’m tempted by her auriculas but something about a pot of bright yellow-trumpeted daffs on the kitchen bench all year round, really appeals. I have an eye on her stunning wreaths as well. Crikey, I need to win the lottery!
That’s it from me for today. As usual, Jon The Propagator hosts Six on Saturday and please pop over to this link to have your weekly international horticultural tour.