Why? Because…

I was invited today to join in a blog event/tour called FanstRAvaganza in March to celebrate the various skills of Richard Armitage, English actor.

For a moment, I thought why would I? Or even would I?

And then I thought of how the inspiration for my favourite protagonist, Finnian (in A Thousand Glass Flowers which is in submission) came so powerfully from Richard as Gisborne in the BBC’s Robin Hood.  And then of course there is the most writing fun I have ever had, which has been in creating my own personal version of Gisborne in the fan-fiction novel: Gisborne.

Oh and then there’s the number of fans who came to The Masked Ball (mesmered’s 2010 blog event) with incarnations of Richard on their arm.  So I thought I should be a part of this latest: to pay my respects to Richard’s acting ability, his gravitas and his intellect.  And also to say thank you to all the readers who have literally taken Gisborne to their hearts.

See you in March, hopefully with a chapter every day of that week!

The list of participating bloggers below comes from the inimitable RAFrenzy who is the first on the list.  I imagine by March the list will be quite enormous, so watch for it.


Avalon Medieval


From the Quill Tip


Mesmered’s Blog

Nevermind Mr. Armitage

Phylly’s Faves

Richard Armitage Fan Blog

Spooks Fan Blog

The Framework Blog

The Squeee