Apfel, Brett and me…
Recently on my Facebook news feed, this remarkable list came through. It was written by Regina Brett, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio, whose website I absolutely recommend. http://www.reginabrett.com/life_lessons.php
Recently on my Facebook news feed, this remarkable list came through. It was written by Regina Brett, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio, whose website I absolutely recommend. http://www.reginabrett.com/life_lessons.php
Remember a couple of weeks ago, I posted on Chanel No 5 and the need to use any one of Richard Armitage’s alter egos to sell my favourite perfume?
Do you also remember that the Queen of perfumes, Pat Sweet, said the challenge would be finding the right colognes for each of the alter-egos?
Felt the need to cook brownies but had no berries so threw in a whole packet of caramel bits by Neslé.
Played in my veggie garden and went shopping at the nursery where I bought basil, zucchini, white lobelia and white nemesia, common mint (must find pot to plant it in as it is feral).
While my book-sales take a Springtime nosedive, and I spend more time in the garden or working around the farm to worry about my failing writerly profile, or even how ill-disciplined I am toward my writing (to give myself a pat on the back: I did write from 11-12.15PM and reduced myself to tears as I wrote), I came inside this evening to find a link sent to me by my daughter for the most delicious and witty blog called Faux Fuschia.
I had crept into the laundry and divested myself of sheep-poo encrusted clothes, scrubbed my mud-filled nails, brushed out my seed filled hair and hauled myself to my wardrobe to climb into trackie bottoms and a polar fleece top. Flung tiny new potatoes on the stove to boil, made (gorgeous) mayonnaise and pulled Creole smoked salmon out of the fridge to eat tonight with white wine alongside. It’s all my aching hands, body and mind could manage.
And then I opened the computer and clicked on the link and stared at this divine woman’s slick home which was overflowing with colour, at her perfectly manicured nails, her beautifully applied lipstick and miraculously tied Pucci scarves – and thought how far removed from her I was at that moment.
That said; I vicariously enjoyed her perfection knowing I’m too tired to find my own. I also love that the Universe Talks to Her. To be frank it talks to me too, but it obviously says the same things in a different way.
BUT … I loved reading this blog tonight. It absolutely hit the spot because I needed the escape and sometimes things like picturesque blogs and Pinterest are the best medicine.
And tomorrow, if the Universe Talks To Me in the right way, maybe I shall pull out the gorgeous Gucci scarf my children gave me last birthday and try and tie it at least a little bit perfectly and maybe I shall even paint my toenails…
Light can mean so many things.
In this tiny cottage, we are lit by the full face of the sun in summer and winter. The original owner was English and he and his wife had lived in Sweden and had an intrinsic understanding of the value of light in life. Thus this little house has masses of windows facing north… and just in case there was the slightest chance the sun thought it could escape lighting the house at any point, there are windows facing the morning east and the dusk west.
In the beginning Katharine Eliska Kimbriel was nominated for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New SF/Fantasy Writer. Katharine’s work has long straddled the line: “too literary to be commercial, too commercial to be literary” — she has a list of itinerant occupations to prove it. What urged me to invite her to Red chair was that she had a pet gargoyle! Yes, really!
I was very surprised to see how many views my short little piece on Robin Hood was fortunate to have. But then perhaps it’s not really surprising. Old books have always drawn booklovers to them and a post about one is no different.
There is nothing I can say to introduce someone like Chris Dolley.
Colourful? Amazing? Eccentric? Funny? Read on!
1. To begin with why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled?
Somewhere in one of the Chronicles of Eirie, there is a statement by a male protagonist about love and the corollary of loss. I wish I could remember where it is because I haven’t the inclination to flick through the pages of three novels to find the line.
The embroidered mirror frame continues to grow as A Thousand Glass Flowers wends its way across a reading population.
This last couple of weeks, I’ve embroidered a couple of figs and an owl. Each segment was embroidered on a calico slip in a much smaller hoop, then cut out and attached to the main embroidery with little stab stitches and stuffed to give it dimension. The beads for eyes and seeds are added last.