Moving forward…
I’m in a kind of hiatus currently. In between edits of Passage and moving on to a collaborative novel between myself and highly popular and successful hybrid author, Simon Turney. But more about that shortly.
I’m in a kind of hiatus currently. In between edits of Passage and moving on to a collaborative novel between myself and highly popular and successful hybrid author, Simon Turney. But more about that shortly.
I’m well known for scanning the internet for interesting faces for my novels. I then scour that face for expression and detail.
If it’s an actor, I’ll seek out a couple of Youtube clips/movies/TV appearances and watch their movement, the way they express themselves, the way they vocalise.
This is my favourite part of the year in terms of garden work.
Autumn is energetic, with lots of cutting back, raking leaves, planting bulbs, feeding, watching for growth, and a really subtle feeling of faith and hope – the knowledge that the seasons keep spinning into perpetuity.
Passage is nearly finished.
I’ve worn my fingertips to the bone as they danced like dervishes across the keyboard.
I was so impressed with the Crafty Creek today.
She has a list of things she’d like to accomplish in the year. It’s not New Year’s Resolutions or anything so trite, it’s a functioning list to check in with on a regular basis.
So I decided to make my own list:
Finding a design that suits the essence of one’s story is one of the most exciting and daunting parts of publishing.For me, this new novel is an excursion into a new genre, a passage into a new style – contemporary fiction.
Spontaneity: Noun – a way of behaving in which you do what feels natural and good whenever you want, rather than planning things first. (Cambridge English Dictionary
Husband woke me this morning with a weather report. To be precise, a coastal waters report and the winds seemed God-given for my sort of day on the water.
As I continue to write Passage, I have discovered a number of questions that could only be answered by hiking up the Bishop and Clerk track on Maria Island.
OH and myself decided to catch the ferry today, do the climb and also grab the ranger and ask a few leading questions about retrieving injured hikers from the track, using walking, UTV’s or helicopter rescue.
OH and I are by no means bushwalkers.
We have a level of suppleness and fitness but we both have ‘issues’ – me with balance and a bad foot. He with permanent breathing problems and issues from his accident last year.
Today we tested ourselves.