This week…
Felt the need to cook brownies but had no berries so threw in a whole packet of caramel bits by Neslé.
Played in my veggie garden and went shopping at the nursery where I bought basil, zucchini, white lobelia and white nemesia, common mint (must find pot to plant it in as it is feral).
In my flower garden which is white with black accents, I found a delicious black tulip hiding on a short stem, it had a frilled edge. So exciting.
Went shopping and salivated over pink and orange ballet flats.
Painted toenails orange.
Went to dog school and Pup spent time in the corner for barking and I received a hug from the trainer for thinking a command through!
Received online shopping in the mail. Roll on summer!
Got a huge shock when OH left tonight for an irrigation meeting dressed in nice clothes. Normally he is smeared with dirt and sheep poo!
Have written chapters and am loving the adventure of The Shifu Cloth. Trying really hard not thinking about whether the editor likes it or not.
Wondering why a news bulletin on Southern Cross TV insisted on entitling an interviewee as a ‘manger,’ not a ‘manager.’ Do they need a new editor, do you think?
And finally have found that wearing my much-prized Gucci scarf (gift from the adult kiddiwinkles) didn’t fit this week. Instead wore a cream-edged navy blazer which made me wonder if I was senile and actually believing I was back at school.
Adult kiddiewinkles *giggles* I must find a way to use that term… though my kids are far from becoming adults. :}
I loved all the pictures.
Thanks Cathryn.
If they knew I had downgraded them to such an outrageous term, they’d probably take my beautiful scarf (60th birthday present) back!
Kiddiwinks was one of my mum’s words, so it was lovely to see almost the same thing here.
You seem to have had a most productive and very varied week. I only wish i could say the same. 🙁
In truth, Giselle, I am really very tired. It has been two murderously busy weeks where I fall into bed at night and my body screams with hurts so that I turn on the electric blanket to get at the worst aches and then pick up the pen and start writing till I fall asleep. Then the whole thing begins again the next day.
That said, I have made myself pause to smell the roses and be grateful for each and every day and from today, the physical pace slackens a little and I get to write solidly every day till Shifu finishes. So I guess its been worth the effort.