SoS 10/4/20
This week on SoS, I’m offering two gardens.
The state of one is the direct result of Covid-19.
We’ve been in lockdown with borders closed for quite a while here in my state of Tasmania (Australia). If one had a shack anywhere, (a second residence on coast, rural or highlands), one could stay there for the duration of the lockdown, only venturing away for food, exercise and medical requirements.
It’s similar to the UK, I believe – Stay Safe, Stay Home.
Anyway – it means our little Matchbox garden in the city is in a holding pattern.
I had a medical appointment last week in the city and was able to check on it, husband mowed the pocket handkerchief lawn and I did a spot of cutting back.
So in order:
Cutting back of hebe which gives me some room for sunloving plants when the Pandemic is over.
A clematis planted last year (will have to find label) is off its tiny rocker and will be moved.
To climb through this lovely rusted bedhead we found on the farm and moved to the Matchbox (need to paint the fence uprights grey).
Then there are the barren spots and pots, eager for annuals and bulbs. I have bulbs and plants on order (I look forward to seeing what, when the orders arrive). After observing Monty Don’s garden on Instagram, I think I need to source some Erythonium bulbs. I’m fascinated by them.
Then there is this little sun-loving auricula that I want to pot into the empty terracotta pot.
But all this must wait until this awful disaster is over.
Meanwhile in our place of residence, our veggies grow apace, and amongst them, are sweetpeas that seeded themselves in summer. I got quite a shock today when I noticed one about to flower.
Ah, it’s a strange world…
Pootle off folks, to Mr.P’s SoS and wander through everyone else’s gardens.
Cheers and stay well.
I love auriculas, what colour is it? And I wonder what you little dog is finding so fascinating behind the fence? Stay safe and well and Happy Easter 🙂
So do I, Gill. They are so beautiful. I have some that I collected from a breeder who hardened hers in an alpine garden in shade and so mine normally do best under trees. This one came from a commercial plant nursery and I was struck by the label saying Full Sun. When I purchased it, it had a dark purple, almost black flower, which is why it fits in the Matchbox (which is white, black and grey with variegated leaves here and there).
I look forward to this year’s flowering and will put it into SoS when it happens. Do you collect auriculas? I would love to see the colours as you come into flowering time.
Small is definitely beautiful in your “matchbox “. Lovely Six-on-Saturday.
I love my little Matchbox, Granny. It is about the same size as my energies on some days. The advantage is that when Lockdown is done, I know I can go there and it won’t take long at. all to get it back to its usual shape. If I have a fear, it’s that Lockdown will prevent me from buying my usual favourite annuals. Anyway – wartime privation and all that!
I like the Hebe with its small leaves and this sculpture next to it gives a very nice sytle.
It looks wet in your garden right now: has it rained or do you need to water? We can see it in the photos with the bamboos.
Good luck, Happy Easter and take care …
I had just hand-watered, Fred. It stains the brush-fencing initially but dries very quickly.The hebe is a very robust one. I have it in a curving hedge round a boulder and a weeping silver pear. It needs to be cut regularly as it gets very leggy. Happy Easter to you too. Keep well.
Almost getting used to the strange new routine…almost….so need to get to the garden centre but as this is deemed non-essential then will just have to wait. All the best from over the ditch.
Hi Barbara. Maybe if you go and buy veggie seedlings it might be considered essential? I do know that NZ’s hardcore approach to Covid-19 is certainly paying dividends, so yes, maybe you have to wait. All the best from here to you. Islands have much to recommend them currently. 😉