Winter ills…

When the winter ills hit the house and one vacillates from being Super Nurse to not quite so Super Wife and back again, one’s attention span is pretty short.

So what to do?

Despite the fact that I might be feeling seedy myself, but only in a mini-way you understand, I do rug up and take the dogs for a walk. The fresh air makes me feel better and I heed the words of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother who claimed a brisk walk can cure a cold.


And then, back to the couch while Currently Less Than Super Husband sleeps off the bug in bed. My brain isn’t too sharp so I play on Pinterest  for a while. Lovely dreamy things to look at as well as some more input for the Tobias  board.

And then I go to e-bay and have a window shop for summer clothes. Beats thinking about winter ills, that’s for sure.


Then to Amazon – bookmarking some research books.


Goodness – all that walking around stores has exhausted me. Time for a cup of tea. Then my email pings with a new post from Anna Scott Embroidery and from Mai Tai Collections 

I become lost in Anna’s and Mai Tai’s blogs – filled with colour and beauty. And no, I don’t own a Hermes scarf but I would love to. Maybe when I sign away movie rights! (Fit of coughing!)

I take out my bird embroidery and finish the last little stitch…


And I also pull out La Bicyclette … the baby rug I’m embroidering to augment my gift cupboard.


It’s a design taken from the wonderful Jenny McWhinney Grandmere book.


The little boy mouse has merely been made into a girl by the addition of a gathered strip of grosgrain ribbon as a nifty little skirt. I’ve found an image of wonderful flower embroidery on Pinterest and will try and embroider a similar wildflower verge for my little mouse’s ride through the country.

Husband’s asleep, dogs are lying in the window in the sun. I’m dozy. Not such a bad way to spend a Saturday.

Hope you have a good one…