The Big Dry…

It’s nearly the beginning of winter. Another month-ish.

Today it was 26 degrees at the farm, 78 degrees Fahrenheit. And I am back in shorts and a polo shirt. The wind is howling and we have a bushfire close by. Another one – nearly in winter!


Looking down the valley from the house.


Smoke everywhere, the power out meaning no toilet flush and no water.



The grape harvest down the road at the vineyards possibly ruined by smoke in the grapes.

And to top it all off the Bureau of Meterology informs us that the southeast is in drought. We haven’t had meaningful rain for 6 months. Our waterholes are down to 1/3 capacity and our flock of ewe lambs from last August which we normally grow out and sell next January, will have to be sold in two weeks. The barley crop won’t go in this year either.


And a Hermes scarf is a figment of my imagination. (This one all about farming.)

But like all farmers we have to be philosophical. It will rain one day. Of course it will.

I’ll let you know when.