A Ball at Pemberley…
For those who read Mesmered, you’ll know that every Tuesday for the last few weeks, I’ve been a part of a global collaboration in the writing of an Austenesque novel on Twitter (#A4T) . So many of Austen’s most well known characters have arrived at the ball… the Bennets, Caroline Bingley, Charlotte Collins, Lady Catherine de Burgh, Anne Elliot, Henry Tilney, the execrable Wickham and the questionable Willougby… in other words, friends and foes. As the ball progresses a plethora of dreadful disasters face Elizabeth and her husband Mr.Darcy as guests mingle and create mayhem.
But the purpose of this post is largely to inform those who are a part of FanstRAvaganza,
that Richard Armitage arrived at the ball in last week’s contribution. He is lately returned from his regiment in India, was a youthful love of Lizzie’s and this week was discovered to have become engaged to Anne Elliot.
And just to show that this wonderful ball is overflowing with characters of inestimable quality, Mr. Armitage arrived at Pemberley with his friend Mr. Colin Firth who is a writer of various forms of literature.
Mr. Armitage is his publisher. As you can imagine, every female breast is heaving at the arrival of these two men at the ball.
If you are interested in reading the story as it progresses, go to #A4T and if you want to read the story from beginning to end go to The Austen Project … I am … right now!
Here’s how the story begins:
‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that no diversion on earth so delights young people as the prospect of a ball, and a ball at Pemberley, that fine and celebrated house, in the beautiful county of Derbyshire, was a recreation devoutly to be wished…’
Thornton and Darcy in the SAME ROOM?!!! Have mercy…
errr make that Armitage and Darcy!