Narrowing the focus . . .

Last week I was confined firmly to  a couch with an injury.  My world narrowed and my focus by consequence narrowed with it.  Apart from forays into Blogland and Ebay, there was little to divert me and the consequence was that the latest manuscript began to assert itself in living breathing colour.  I began to mesh with the characters again, to see the setting, to move faster along the plot-line.

It made me realise something I had completely forgotten . . . that if a book is to be written, if the quality of said prose is to be smooth, then one can’t afford to be diverted too much by life all around. There’s no excuse for experience of course.  One can’t write in a bubble, but after the experience, the observation, one really has to put blinkers on and focus and I haven’t done that for ages.

I remember Stephen Fry saying he was going into purdah for four months to write a book.  The thought of such isolation is not my thing at all, as I am hating not even being able to walk the dogs.  But the one bonus is that last week writing improved out of sight and there is a lesson to be learned there, for sure.