Life on the land…
A huge day working on the farm today. Too tired to cook dinner so we will have fish and chips…
Too tired to write Tobias out of his next trauma. Almost too tired to write a blog.
Instead, as the mellow yellow of late afternoon cast it’s caul over the farm and the shadows lengthened and the light became soft and dream-filled, I took my camera and tried to let it write a blog for me…
Red Dog and I just wandered…
To the dogs’ yards…
To the lane…
The rams…
One of the dams…
The barn…
Some hayrolls…
And things.
There was a vast peace – the only sound being the chortling of magpies, the subdued giggle of a pair of kookaburras and up high on the top of the Ski Run, the warning cry of a wedge-tailed eagle.
I love the tiredness of a hard day’s work outside.
I applaud you on your physical work! I love to work too, but my body doesn’t agree much anymore and I have to settle to do a little at a time. Very frustrating!! As always, I am eager to read Tobias when it’s ready. I read the other books on Amazon by you and wondering if you are developing any new ones? You have such a rich writing style that allows vivid pictures to be drawn in my mind when reading your writing while still flowing smoothly. As I have said before, you are a very talented writer!!
Margaret, you are such a support. Tobias is almost finished and will be published in July as Book One of The Triptych Trilogy. Then, I’m afraid we have another year’s wait until the second in The Triptych Trilogy which will be about a character from Tobias and the final in the trilogy will be about a small boy who will have become a man. You might know him as William of Gisborne…