A grand day out!
This weekend we went to the southeast coast’s annual agricultural show – Bream Creek. We are regular attendees and have even entered fleeces in the fleece competition. There’s so much to see and enjoy and one runs into many familiar faces. It’s a grand day out…
The crowd beginning to build…
Looking down through the west tents…
Bullocky doing his stuff with his team…
Husband disappears…
Find him again in amongst the irrigation equipment…
I am supposed to find this big hose scintillating…
We run into our son and his partner…
Oh look, friends of mine…
The bee-man. I had a bad bee bite last week, so less than impressed…
Half a shorn sheep from the shearing exhibition. Yes, he will be evened up!
Highland fling…
This man chainsaws this…
To make this…
My country cooking purchases…
Helicopter ride? It’s on my bucket list, but not today…
Parks ranger educating the young ones – an echidna in front of her.
Weighing the giant pumpkins…
A fun day culminating in lunch of a glass of Bream Creek Vineyard’s crisp chardonnay along with a delicious haloumi burger with onion jam, pickled beetroot and grilled zucchini. Which I enjoyed too much to put down and photograph!
Looking forward to next year!
Fu pictures – except for the guys in kilts walking around, you could believe the pictures were taken in West Texas what with all the farm equipment and cattle. Thanks again for sharing.
Meant to type fun pictures.
I think all agricultural shows the world over are very similar. Although, – if you could have seen the hills behind me, you may have changed your mind a little though about beef cattle and West Texas. There were massive irrigation pivots greening pasture across the hills for one of the biggest dairy herds in the state. The green is punctuated with the black and white of Holstein-Friesians everywhere!