RA as Robin Hood?

Now here’s an idea and I would love comments from all Armitage fans…

Angus Donald‘s fabulous series, The Outlaw Chronicles, has been optioned in the States for a film or TV series. If you haven’t read the books yet then run don’t walk, people, they are fab!!!






In Angus’s books, Robin is a callous, fierce, self-motivated character. Nothing at all like the Robin of legend that we have seen clichéd out of existence by Hollywood. In fact he is the perfect anti-hero. And in this series, *spoiler* Guy of Gisborne is done and dusted in the first book. The books take us on Robin’s journey as a knight loyal to Richard I, through England  to the Third Crusade, onward to Richard’s disappearance and subsequent ransom in Austria, to reclaiming Richard’s lands in France and onward then to the search for the Holy Grail. And there are more books to come. As I say, epic and stunning!

What do you think of the idea of RA being cast in the role?



Tell me…

NB: If you would like to read my interview with Angus when he and Robin sat in my Big Red Chair, click

And as a not-so-total afterthought, do you think  I could audition for a role as Marie-Anne’s feisty, elderly, bow-wielding maidservant and chaperone? At the very least, I could get the CAST (!) to sign my own books about Guy of Gisborne!

Prue Archer