Domestic Goddess? Nooo…
What does a writer do when she’s finished the book she’s writing and is waiting for the edits to begin?
Firstly she celebrates by walking on the beach.
And thinks about the man who inspired the saga.
On returning to the house she looks at the ironing…
Sorts it…
And begins.
Whilst dog insists on chasing toys under old ironing board. (Love my aged wooden board)
Throws toy down stairs for dog to keep dog happy.
Wonders if sheep vaccination can be thrown out of fridge.
Thinks maybe black and white tulip bulbs can be planted out .
Checks fruit chutney supply in pantry.
Thinks about washing up.
Empties dishwasher.
Grills haloumi for a chicken and haloumi salad.
And has a wine in local agricultural agency’s very un-posh glass whilst making new shopping list.
See, life goes on…
🙂 Congratulations!
I find it easier to toast halloumi in a non-stick frying pan.
Unless I’m too busy thinking about the man who inspired your saga. Then it gets a little too well toasted.
I forgot about toasting the haloumi that way! I always burn a little bit of it – as you can see in the pic. Don’t you love that image of Gisborne? I always imagine it’s Ysabel he’s smiling at. So rare to see him smile and love the crinkled corners of the eyes which are getting more pronounced as he ages. Don’t tell my OH that i have said any of this. Sssh!