Grand Memorial Kayak 2013…
I belong to a group of kayakers who have been paddling on and off for 10 years. As we reach various ages and various levels of decrepitude, our numbers are shrinking and so last year we decided on a Grand Memorial Kayak once a year at the very least.
The first one was a wonderful paddle up the winding Prosser River to a colonial property called ‘Brockley’.
This year’s was a super duper one. The best summer on record in Tasmania. The perfect day. Warm. No wind – a kayaker’s dream.
Despite our reduced numbers, we motored with our kayaks to a launch ramp up the coast at a place called Saltworks on the east coast of Tasmania. We paddled upstream initially. And then took advantage of an outgoing tide to paddle downstream to the river mouth and out to sea.
Followed the coast in limpid water to a perfect beach. Had a lunch of smoked salmon, crackers and wasabi cheese, fresh nectarines and peaches, dried fruit and nuts and some choclate. Washed down with champers for those who drink it (I don’t) and water for me.
We swam. We paddled some more and watched stingrays, indeed the mothership of all stingrays. Pelicans, cormorants and many other seabirds plus swans in the estuary.
Can’t wait to see where we go next year. Nor who will be fit enough. Or not!
Looks absolutely Heavenly, Prue. What a wonderful day out.