New name? Re-brand…

When I began this blog, in November of 2009, I can remember thinking Help! How do I get anyone to read anything, let alone subscribe?


I began with absolutely no confidence in myself and thus I thought it best to hide behind the odd name ‘mesmered’. It seemed apt as in my books, the Others that inhabit the pages use a mesmer to enchant mortals and in a subliminal way, maybe I was hoping to enchant readers.


That first post I likened to the Golden Snitch. I threw elusive words out into cyberspace and they fluttered here and there in the vague hope someone adept, like Harry Potter on a broomstick, would come flying in to catch them.

Since then I have had five fiction titles published; four historical fantasies and one hist.fict. These days, I am probably more readily known online by those with whom I engage, as Prue Batten rather than ‘mesmered’. So it seems the time has come to out myself and just be Prue Batten, the writer. Or in the case of my blog, pruebatten – writer and observer of life, the universe and everything.DSC00106

I would love you to stay with me through the re-brand, and then continue on with me and comment, throwing your ideas in with mine. One thing I truly love is the fellowship on a blog. It’s one of the nicest things to come out of online media.

Cheers all and thanks for being part of my online life!