Almost there… Kindle’s in sight.
The manuscript is being sieved through the format process for Kindle. I’m keen to get it there. Reviewers are being contacted, blog interviews are being sought, a publicity plan begins to take shape. There’s very little left to do except to arrange some sort of virtual launch party. Has anyone got any ideas? I’ll consider everything… including the obligatory giveaways for the best ideas for promotion and parties online. I’m all ears…
Just in time – I just got my Kindle in them mail!. I have TSR, and I’m off to buy TLS. And let me know about the virtual launch party. After I read the book I’m sure I”ll have to make something in its honor. Yay! an excuse to make more Eirie stuff. I haven’t done any in a while.
PS Just got the RA stuff!
Rather a big day in the mail for you. RA and a Kindle together… good package?
I can’t wait to see what Bo Press comes up with for Glass Flowers: it’s such an exotic locale within the book and you’ve never been one to think of anything within the square. The ultimate lateral thinker!
As the author, sometimes its hard to make the switch from the lushness of Eirie and its varied world to the darkness of medieval castles and life in Gisborne I. Note I say I… that is 1. or Vol I. Could there be a sequel to Gisborne?
Of course there will be a Gisborne sequel! RA’s picture’s going up right next to my stumpwork examples. I have no useful ideas for the launch party, but anything you come up with I’m behind 110%.
I’m off to look at Indian paper at Hollander’s! A miniature calligrapher’s kit?
That’s a GORGEOUS cover. How did I miss that unveiling?
And as for an online party – blog-hopper? Tweet-fest with your own #hashtag? Online scavenger hunt wherein readers learn about the book but also find cool stuff on the internet and winners get books, etc?
I don’t know – but good luck!
Aimee, you must be channelling Flyhigh. She suggested a scavenger hunt with book giveaways via a blog-tour. I think you are both wonderful!
I’ve been slowly creating #AThousandGlassFlowers for a while now, so its got a basic foundation. The whole thing makes me nervous. After we (Pat Sweet, Rebecca Bingham and I) did a virtual masked ball last year with three months prep, the idea of arranging a virtual launch in about a fortnight is terrifying!
Thanks everyone who has emailed me with ideas… have quite a bit of thinking to do. Keep your eye on the blog for details.
Wonderful cover! The blues, together with the curved dagger and the tiles are just right for the background of the story.
The blurb on the back cover is perfect too,
(I zoomed!)
I do so hope I can solve my Kindle problem in time for the launch.
Giselle, hello! Thank you for the comment on the cover… I shall pass it on to the designer. I hope your Kindle is okay too. I’m dying to hear what you think!