The Pillow Book of Prudence . . . Part Nine
In this last week of July, with only 9 weeks and three days to daylight saving and 36 days to the first day of Spring, one learns that it is a week of observations, inanities and vanities.
One learns that by placing a completely inane statement on a social network about what one should do with one’s day, that one invites the Fates to decide for one. In the case of myself, the Fates decided I should wear my most favourite shoes. They are pale turquoise JP Tod’s moccasins with rubber stops on the soles. Vanity of course, because on that day I liked turquoise. Today I think it is a heartless colour although better than black.
The shoes are perfect for driving vehicles from one’s primary destination to another place, so that one’s foot doesn’t slip off the controls, but inadequate when one spins quickly on a staircase, having forgotten something. Those unique little stops that cushion one’s aging feet, grip the carpet with the tenacity of an octopus’s tentacles, causing the foot to stay facing in one direction while the ligaments and ankle swivel to snapping point in the other. One then falls from the second step to the ground landing on left wrist, left shoulder and left buttock.
This also gives one an occasion to gnash one’s teeth, wail with pain and throw said shoe against wall. Fortunately being suede and soft there are no marks. Contact with help agencies becomes one’s primary concern as one is alone in the house. Husband is feeding sheep and pregnancy-testing the mothers of next year’s wool-bearers. Being near to the door through which stands one’s vehicle, one slides on one’s buttocks through the door to transportation, levers oneself up, opens the vehicle door, gets the telephonic device which always resides in the glove box, hops back to the carpet floor, subsides onto floor weeping and phones Son. He arrives and takes charge and all is well that can end well.
One now observes that vanity should not determine one’s dress code for the day. That inane comments implying boredom in one’s day invite a disaster. One also observes as one wends one’s shaky way on crutches past the tubs of bulbs, that fritillaria are brave enough to peek green spikes above the soil, that the Erlicheer daffodils are fragrantly in bloom, that the freesia buds are tumescent, and that the Hope tree is counting the days to Spring.
Been there once upon a time. My room was on the 3th floor too. Hope this means you get to catch up on reading or even better collector writing!
Writing more of the first draft of Shifu Cloth as your message came. Will definitely do more of The Collector.
Read the most fantastic re-write/e-write of Guy of Gisborne’s and Marion’s story on Wattpad, before I took the tumble. After watching the final of Series Three last night, have decided the e-take is so much nicer. I lost interest at 30 mins, and apart from Guy’s death, was left rather emotionless over the whole finale.
Plan to use anger, frustration and pain in both the manuscript and the fan-fict. See, it’s not all bad!
Stoic to the last, I see. When I broke my ankle I retired to bed, wimpering. It was just as well I wasn’t allowed crutches because then I would have had 2 broken ankles.
On the bright side, we get more of your writing, faster. Although I think your minions should be wafting wine (when not on pain pills) and chocolate in your direction and carrying you around on a litter.
I cannot see my family carrying me anywhere! Especially if I eat my adored chocolate. Figure with 6 weeks of inactivity that I shall be eating rabbit-food. And belive me RB, I have been wimpering. Had a good old cry in bed last night and then as I lurch around the house on crutches, its as well no one is home as I am swearing better than a sailor!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I saw you became a fan of Kleindog’s so you must have got a notification of the latest added chapter of Grant Your Wish (ain’t that the truth, so far at least) I still have to read her other story(N&S) that’s there and she’s waiting to post a long N&S until she’s written the epilogue. If you’re familiar with the Lucas North character check Khandy’s The Gruinard Project. It’s angsty and dark. Although it’s finished she’s posting it in bits upon my request. She’s known as the Queen of cliffhangers and has fab character development. Although for the juicy bits you have to hop over to I have to check out your crocheting I used to be an ambitious handworker, in my teens loved lace crocheting. Mostly knitting now but I’ve become one of those yarn collectors and never finish kinda person.
I am a N and S fan, lovely series. Shall read. Will check out new updates for Grant What I Wish. It’s exciting . . . like finding one’s fave author has a new book released on the shelves in a bookshop. I’m reading Wattpad online as I don’t want to download to my phone. Gad, I don’t even know how to text or get messages off the damned thing, imagine if I tried to download an e-book!!!! Still debating the whole kindle/i-Pad purchase too.
Oh Yikes.
How sad for your poor feet 🙁
How do you keep yourself busy when injured? I’ve started injuring my legs and feet a lot in the last few years. (My Phys Therapist says it’ll happen more often with age). And I tend to spend a lot of time getting frustrated and then trying to run/ walk and feeling worse for it.
What activity is best for you?
Oh I agree. I’m a really active person and to be like this is sooo frustrating! So writing the fourth book fills one gap. Embroidery fills another one . . . and is my meditation. Then I have the blog to think about, and other blogs to read, some fan-fiction to write and then learn how to upload it to e-sites. And finally friends like you to talk to.
It eases the pain of frustration, and goes part way to helping.
You have a good blog so what else eases your frustration?
I end up spending a lot of time reading. And since the only thing I want to do when injured is that one thing I’m not allowed to (go jogging) I take up yoga instead.
After a while, the one thing that gets most fatiguing when I’m injured is the time I spend staring at a screen. And so at the exact time that I should be accomplishing all my internet and blogging goals, I lost all interest in turning my computer on.