Book trailer . . .
What a day! Launched the book trailer and wanted desperately to open champagne with friends to celebrate, so have been having a virtual celebration on Facebook. And that’s actually stirling practice for the Ball. Writing, ie editing, hasn’t featured greatly today and I’m ashamed of my lack of discipline and needing to run far from such shame, I sped over to my blogroll and had an enjoyable read. There is a wonderful piece of writing that deserves to have heaps of coverage and if you want to be taken far from the melting snows and chill of a Northern hemisphere winter, do read this piece from Provence . . . guaranteed to warm your toes.
Great job on the trailer. If I didn’t already love the books this would make me want to read them.
Thank you so much, Rebecca. Very nervous . . . like the premiere of a film. Would you like to join us after for a glass of champagne?
Well done! Intriguing trailer…
Thanks so much, Maria. It’s good to see you here again, I have been thoroughly enjoying your blogs, discovering RA Friday on the way.
I am planning a Masked Ball to be held at ‘mesmered’ on Saturday May 1st, between 8-10pm GMT. The invitation goes up this week I hope and I do trust you’ll come. You have so much to offer from your knowledge of history and literature and it should be a fun night . . . especially as the Museo di Veniche and everything to do with the Ball is fantasy, with a toe in the waters of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There will be some absolutely lovely prizes.
Thanks once again for calling in.