What is an ‘indie’?
According to Wiki:
Indie is a shortform of “independence” or “independent”…
- Indie literature, a book published outside mainstream publishing
- So why did I become an indie writer?
What is an ‘indie’?
According to Wiki:
Indie is a shortform of “independence” or “independent”…
One of the down sides of being a writer with published books is marketing. For me, marketing is like diving into the ocean when a 6 metre white pointer has been seen not far off shore.
At least it is for me.
Louise Wise is another writer who is reaping the benefits of the e-revolution. She and I ‘met’ at as part of their print-published stable and I’ve always enjoyed her wit, not only in the forums but in her novels as well. I thought it was time she sat in the Big Red Chair, so here she is…
I started interviewing independent authors in my Big Red Chair a little while ago. I began with the inestimable Ann Swinfen whose books are such a delightful discovery. I have interviewed SJA Turney whose Roman fiction is so full of imperial drama and life. Lucinda Brant has allowed herself to be scrutinised… she who could justifiably take up Georgette Heyer’s crown. And I have others to come: hot property coauthors Mark Williams and Saffina Desforges and also Barbara Silkstone who is an electric author who thinks outside the square. That’s something I admire in a writer.
Rachelle Gardner posted an interesting topic on her blog today and I’m afraid I just couldn’t help myself. I had to go through all that she said publishers did for one and tick off what I actually do for myself. To see if I represent ‘the soul of selling’ as much or as more as a grandiose marketing team might. I should point out that I live in Australia, my print publisher is based in the UK and all e-pubs are carried out through Amazon and Smashwords, based in the USA.
Have ‘look see’ and if you’re a writer, do tell me what you do for yourself and your books off that list.
Prepare promotional materials
▪ produce and print ARCs (advance reader copies) which are far more expensive on a per-book basis to produce than the actual book Done by self.
▪ write flap copy, back cover copy, all catalog and marketing copy Done by self.
▪ create a press kit for soliciting reviews and author interviews Done by self.
▪ provide printed material to assist author’s own promotion: postcards, bookmarks, flyers, etc. Done by self.
▪ Book signing/event support (posters, press releases, bag stuffers)
Trade advertising – print & retail
▪ placement in publisher’s print catalog Done by my POD publisher.
▪ product placement in retailers’ catalogs & fliers
▪ print advertising in trade magazines
▪ in-store product placement (special tables or endcaps)
▪ print & web ads with distributors (Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Spring Arbor, etc.) Done by my POD publisher.
▪ shelf talkers for retail outlets
Internet marketing
▪ a page on publisher website
▪ working with Amazon & large online booksellers for placement Done by publisher and self.
▪ assist author in developing their Facebook, Twitter & blog presence Done by self.
▪ email blasts to publisher’s list which can include hundreds of thousands of names, including consumers, librarians and retailers
▪ organize online contests Done by self.
▪ set up blog tours Done by self.
▪ may help with creating a video book trailer Done by self.
Internet Advertising
▪ advertise in online magazines and newsletters appropriate to the book
▪ Facebook advertising
▪ banner ads on appropriate websites
Specialized promotions (specific to type of book)
▪ work with author to capitalize on author’s own areas of influence, which could include organizations they’re a member of, alumni associations, professional associations, local historical societies, etc. Done by self.
▪ promotion to book clubs and reading groups (email blasts or even a mailing of the book)
▪ pitch to large national reading groups
▪ submit books to major contests
Trade publicity
▪ trade shows
▪ pitch to trade magazines for review
Consumer publicity
▪ organize book tours & book signings
▪ press releases, especially locally or regionally where the author has influence Done by self.
▪ sending press kits to all appropriate media outlets: radio, TV, newpapers & magazines. Done by self.
▪ following up on requests for books, sending out review copies Done by self.
▪ booking print, broadcast, and online interviews Done by self.
▪ included in targeted publisher newsletters to consumers
▪ send out influencer copies”
Rachelle continues: “Most publishers have a sales team (or rep group) who proactively sells titles to retailers. They service the approx. 10,000 bookstores still left in the U.S., chains and indies combined, plus Walmart, Target, Costco, etc. In addition, the sales department interacts with book clubs (Book-of-the-Month, Literary Guild, etc), international accounts, rack jobbers (for grocery stores and gift shops), nonprofit organizations, and special accounts. This is a “sales” function (not technically marketing) but it’s something publishers do that you, the author, are unlikely to be able to do yourself. And it’s another way your book gets “out there.”
I am my sales team. Granted my sales are a drop in the ocean to what they might be if I had a Big Six team behind me. BUT, if I can do a good proportion of the above, plus help run a farming business, look after acres of garden and write other books, I wonder if that raises issues about the efficiency and efficacy of what a publisher’s sales team actually does.
NB: One thing that is not included in the above list and which I should like to mention is how important the fellowship of readers and writers is in advertising and on-selling. No matter how good a sales team might be, in the end it’s word of mouth between the members of the marketplace (ie one’s readers) that will let a book sink or swim and I have to say right here and now, that I have been truly fortunate with my readers and also fellow authors who have chosen to support me. The worth is incalculable.
Terrible introduction for a writer, isn’t it? Even if he is sitting in my Big Red Chair. But in truth, the main protagonists of S.J.A. Turney’s novels would have worn exactly that. If they valued their future. I’m talking about soldiers of the Roman Legion as Simon is a writer of historical fiction set in Roman times. Liviu from the highly regarded Fantasy.Book.Critic said of Simon’s first book ‘Interregnum’:
“I could not put this novel down unless I *really needed* to since I was drawn into its world and wanted to find out what happens. The novel has a combination of the expected and some twists and turns I did not see, so while I could glimpse where it goes, there were quite a few surprises on the way. The characters are well drawn and believable. It is also a blood and guts novel, brutal at times with quite a lot of fighting, gore, summary killings as well as drawn out crucifixions and as it behooves such, the main characters are men…’ Not bad for a first ever review for a first ever release. Enviable.
I approached Simon and asked if he would be willing to answer my Ten Writerly Questions to which he agreed. Despite the seriousness of his subject matter, he is a quirky man and I swear there must be convicts in his family tree because such humour obviously made it across the seas to build a foundation for our Australian wit .
Please make welcome Simon James Atkinson Turney.
1. To begin with why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled?
I am the world’s most Yorkshire Yorkshireman. I was born in the ancient city of Ripon, in a maternity unit now sadly long gone and I was raised and schooled there, in one of those old fashioned Grammar Schools where children were still instilled with a sense of discipline. My grandfather, however, and great aunt, lived in a village seven miles away in the countryside, and I spent much of my free time there too, or at my grandfather’s photography shop when on summer holidays. It is no surprise, then, that despite decades during which I have lived in cities in several different counties, I ended up living back in Ripon and then afterwards in that very village, where I now live, married to a girl who came from the same place and went to the same school and whose family also live there.
2. What did you want to be when you were twelve, eighteen and thirty? And why?
3. What strongly held belief did you have at eighteen that you do not have now?
At 18 I intended to live abroad. I pictured myself by the time I was 25 or 30 living in the hills of northeastern Spain in a secluded villa while working for the Archaeological division of the Patrimonio de Catalunya, possibly unearthing the Roman city of Empuries. That was my long term plan (see above for career options: archaeologist.) I am now far too tied to family and my village. While I love to travel and would like to spend much of my time abroad, I know that this is my place and where I will always come back to. Satisfied.
4. What were three big events – in the family circle or on the world stage or in your reading life, for example – you can now say, had a great effect on you and influenced you in your career path?
5. Considering the innumerable electronic media avenues open to you- – blogs, online newspapers, TV, radio, etc – why have you chosen to write a book? Aren’t they obsolete?
Hmm. I also write a blog, as do you. In fact I was blogging before I wrote a word of fiction. I have in no way ruled out any other format. I would love to write a screenplay. In fact, I would love to turn my book ‘Interregnum’ into a movie. But no matter how many avenues open up, there will always be a need for books, even if they are becoming ever more electronic in nature. Books store the knowledge of the world. Without them, our past is so much less meaningful. How would we know about the Roman soldier at Vindolanda who sent home asking for spare socks, or the garrison commander’s wife’s birthday party, without the written word of the Vindolanda Tablets. Our main source for the history of Roman Emperors is writings of people like Cassius Dio and Suetonius. The written word should never become obsolete, for fear that the human race goes with it.
6. Please tell us about your latest book…
Ah. A choice. Dark Empress was released recently, while Marius’ Mules III is in progress. Dark Empress is the third and final book in the fantasy series ‘Tales of the Empire’ and follows Interregnum and Ironroot. It is a departure for me, being a darker tale than usual, set over much of the lifetime of three people in the form of a saga, rather than a straightforward tale. It explores new elements of the world that was formed in the first two books, such as the southern, desert-dwelling peoples, the navy and piracy, and the relationship between boys and girls as they grow into men and women. Moreover, it contains more elements of the supernatural than previous works. I wait with interest, and a little trepidation, to see how such a different work is received.
7. If your work could change one thing in this world – what would it be?
I would like to think that my work contributes to expanding the genre and drawing new fans to the subject of ancient history. If of every hundred readers of Marius’ Mules, for instance, one new reader is sufficiently taken by the setting to further delve into the world of Roman history, I will consider my work worthwhile. Despite the focus given to the ancient world in fiction, movies and documentaries, it still astounds me how such a tiny space is devoted to it in the school curriculum. Certainly in Britain, the whole Roman era is glossed over in a matter of days. A sad state of affairs, given that Britain was Roman for four centuries, their empire lasted over a thousand years (or even two thousand with Byzantium), and probably had more of an impact on the direction the western world moved for the rest of time.
8. Whom do you most admire and why?
Once again, we’re back to my grandfather. He was a man of infinite jest and astounding knowledge. He taught my father about ornithology and nature and the countryside. He taught me about photography and history. He was a pilot in the second world war, took photographs so impressive that they now form a collection held in a library, travelled extensively, brought my mother up as a single father in an era when such a thing was virtually unheard of, rode motorcycles around the wilds of Scotland, and could take an intelligent part in a conversation on almost any subject from Victorian politics, to the nesting habits of hawks, to the difference between single and dual prop aircraft, to the motives of Wile E Coyote. In fact, during the war, he suffered from Pleurisy and was moved to a ward where he was left to die, having been written off by the doctors, but where he made a full recovery on his own. Quite simply, I can’t imagine a better person, and I hope that I become even half that man to my grandchildren.
9. Many people set themselves very ambitious goals. What are yours?
I am no longer truly ambitious. Apart from finally removing ourselves from debt (which is rapidly approaching) and having a comfortable income, I have achieved most of the goals I set: married with children, living in the country, having a pleasant and interesting career (now), and having good friends. In my heart of hearts, there is actually still one ridiculously ambitious goal that I doubt I will achieve: to visit every Roman site in the world. Slowly I am working on it, but I hope for reincarnation, since it may take several lifetimes! Probably next time I’ll come back as a blind stoat who, as I earlier intimated, would at least be more mathematically competent, but such would endanger my travel goals.
10. What advice do you give aspiring writers?
I actually started by answering this one, since I was thinking about it this morning before you showed me the questions. This is the easiest, I think, and it comes in three parts:
Do not give up. If you believe in what you have and what you can do, fight to get it out there. Try every traditional method possible, but don’t be disheartened by rejection. There will be a lot of it. If traditional methods don’t work for you, be creative. Find new avenues to push the work down. Never stop. I have seen it said by even the most successful writers that the writing is the easy part. The hard part is promotion and marketing…
I’ve read all of Simon’s books except Dark Empress and it’s on the to-read list. I’ve just finished Ironroot which I have to say made me glad to go to bed every night so that I could disappear into my Kindle and read on. It’s truly my favourite Turney novel to date and I recommend it and then some! I fully expect Dark Empress to raise the stakes even higher.
Simon, thanks so much for revealing yourself through Ten Writerly Questions and may I wish you and your novels an onward and upward trajectory. (Even though I am seriously jealous of your prolific output!)
I first ‘met’ Ann Swinfen on a messageboard, part of to which we both belong. On reading various well thought out comment she made, I went to Amazon to purchase her newly released The Testament of Mariam… a beautiful read, almost shocking in its revelatory subject matter, but subtly handled nevertheless. Ann is highly regarded as a writer, her titles published in the past by Random House. She has also written a definitive text called ‘In Defence of Fantasy’, published by Routledge and which as a fantasy writer, I felt enunciated the power and place of the modern fantasy novel.
*Title of post based on an iconic Australian tourism ad.*
Have you noticed I haven’t been round for a few days? You’re supposed to chorus with relieved tones: ‘Yes, where the b****y hell’ve you been?’
As I ponder the future of my novels and my writing after such a heart-warming response yesterday, I do feel that in the interests of fairness I should point out a few things about the consultancy with whom I have been working.
Prue Batten
© 2009
Chapter One
Thumping woke her and the dog growled from her bed. The bar across the door rattled and underneath her fingers she could feel the hackles on the animal’s spine. ‘Hush, Phaeton,’ she whispered. ‘He can’t hurt me.’