SoS 20/6/20
It’s a gloomy, dreer day, threatening to bucket down at some point. It’s also the day before the winter solstice, so it’s a short dark day anyway.
We’re in the city for a few days and so Husband dashed out, mowed and threw handfuls of blood and bone around the Matchbox ready for the rain.
There’s nothing much of note in this little garden this week. Thanks to Covid-19, and being in Lockdown at our bigger garden, it’s been a long time between drinks in this tiny one. So yesterday, whilst the sun was shining, I took pics of rusty garden accoutrements we have spattered around. I love rust in a garden – it blends, harmonises and enhances any and everything. I. also love garden ornaments that are woven, welded and built, as my Rusticana board shows on Pinterest.
Below are a few of what we have. I also have a woven vine wreath on the wall at the back of the house and have saved old palings from a fence with the idea that OH might make me a few birdhouses to hang on that wall as well. I have an idea in my head…
I think I might have thrown in one extra pic for which I hope I’m forgiven.
As you can imagine, in spring, summer and autumn, the pieces are buried in plant growth and peep from here and there. Right now, though, it’s bold and bare and is something to look at when there’s not much else.
I’m currently searching for a rusty bistro-setting for the bluestone terrace. I know exactly what I want, have been searching for 4 years and been totally unsuccessful but I’m ever hopeful.
Pootle over to The Prop for the usual SoS offerings. They’re gorgeous!
I agree, those rusty items are lovely in the garden. In my area people know how much gardeners like the look and ask ridiculous amounts of money for old bed springs and such!
Same here, Lisa. One has to be quick at the salvage centre!
A fun Six, Prue! I especially enjoy those spheres. Are they made from wine barrel rings?
I don’t think so. They come in sets of three but because this garden is minute, I had to do some swift talking to get them to sell me just one. I thought three would be a bit of overkill. 😉
Very beautiful garden decorations! I love them all, but my favorites are the 2 chicks/birds…?
Thank you, Fred. I thinnk I have a thing about birds – both living and in artform.
Your matchbox garden is looking fabulous.
Not really loved tho’ Libby. It’s normally a little less sour-looking at this time of year but because of Lockdown, we haven’t been near it enough and it shows. Hopefully the fertiliser and rain over the last 24 hours will set it alight a little. Mind you, all the tulips are sprouting and the primulas are trying very hard to do their thing. I cheated there though, and bought punnets of them with the tiniest flower-buds so that the garden isn’t too left behind.