A Time of Firsts…
Earlier this year, I was heavily involved in a protest against salmon farming.
The group to which I belonged was endeavouring to stop a private company and the Liberal Government of Tasmania from placing 28 high density pens off a the popular east coast.
Because of private commitments, I had to leave the organisational wing of the group but not before I and many others had been subjected to attacks on social media by our detractors.
I had cause to reflect that whilst they hit us round the head with so-called scientific evidence that all was clean and green (to be refuted tonight by the ABC Four Corners programme 8.30PM Australian Eastern Summertime and refuted numerous times over by leading newspapers like The Australian), there were those of us who merely want to keep the east coast as it is. Currently, apart from low key shellfish farms, it is an uncluttered pathway to a stupendous island which is designated world heritage…
The reasons some of us wanted status quo were in our hearts and souls. And that’s not something that is easy for some people to articulate. Yesterday, as I walked along one of the beaches that face the bay in question, I wondered why I feel so strongly about this coast.
Put simply, it’s a series of ‘firsts’.
Firstly, there is my family history. It goes back ninety odd years in the region and the beach on which I stood thinking about this is named after my grandfather – Millington’s Beach.
Then there was my first trip to the beach.
First swim.
First dive.
First hand-caught wild fish.
First family boat.
First family dinghy.
First row on own in a dinghy (at the bay in question).
First milkshake.
First sundae.
First yacht race.
First boyfriend.
First dance.
First kiss.
First horse-ride.
First farm-work.
First story ever written.
First child.
And so on…
This place was once a quiet little village filled with professional fishermen, where the sandbar was kept open by them dragging their scallop dredges as they made their way to sea. I have seen the village with idiosyncratic gravel roads and no gutters, with an Aladdin’s Cave of a general store and where the local farmer would deliver fresh unpasteurised milk and cream straight from the cows to our houses every day.
My memory of firsts sits alongside those memories and the memories my own children have, and I look at what we have left and want to cherish it for further generations.
But I suspect those grandkids will never have the freedom and thrill of firsts because the Government has given money to Glamorgan Spring Bay Council and to private enterprise to follow the path of industrial zoning required for the placing of the salmon pens. This precious tourist coast is about to become ‘industrial’.
Ironically though, it must be said that this is not the first time, this Council, this mayor and this Liberal Government have made a mistake of classic and rebounding proportions.
And it won’t be the first time that voter backlash is felt either…
Looking forward to seeing 4 Corners this evening, it will most likely be horrific news. Poor Tasmania such a special place of wild beauty. It seems such an uneven struggle against the greed of commerce.
This is straight out greed, Jean. Tassal refuse to listen to public opinion. Their CEO has made it clear they are dropping the pens into Okehampton Bay regardless. The shareholders of Tassal are all outside of Tasmania. And once they have fouled the waters here, they will move on and not give a damn what they leave behind.
The GSB Council is right behind them – supposedly for jobs. But the truth is that only eleven to nineteen jobs will be on offer, some of which will be filled from existing employees from other sites. The government? Ah – now there’s a thing. The Minister concerned is a nephew of one of the salmon farming companies! Go figure. Can’t wait to see what sort of investigative work Four Corners does on this.
Looking forward to seeing 4 Corners this evening, it will most likely be horrific news. Poor Tasmania such a special place of wild beauty. It seems such an uneven struggle against the greed of commerce.
Hi, Jean. I missed your comment. Sorry I have only just replied.
Four Corners told it like it is. There are huge issues in and with the industry and it’s a pity the industry isn’t wise enough to see what has happened overseas and act accordingly. It was only a matter of time before people began to recognise the negatives.
The sad thing is that Tassal have made it clear in the least couple of weeks that no matter what is said, they will run their industry as they have ALWAYS done and in places where they want.
Their disregard for social licence is … interesting, to say the least.
Tassie is a wonderful place – the last frontier if you like. And it’s sad to see government willingly support those who wish to destroy what we have. Greed – as you say. Sadly, land-based salmon farms would provide more jobs across the board – but government won’t support the initiative.
In the early ’60s we went on holiday to Coolangatta. It was a one off between traditional Rosebud and what was to become the new tradition at Broulee. I remember this holiday for a few things. First time TV. The Currumbin Bird Park and having to walk through the bush to the beach.Palmtrees where also a novelty. I was about 8. The next time i saw that beach we drove along it’s edge. Literally Shops-Tar- Sand. “They’re building a road to Ruby’s Farm to drive their cars full speed and far. They say they can use me out on the road helping the load that just seems to grow. A million have passed by today A million more on the way!” Why is we so often destroy what we love?
Greed, as Jean says. It’s very simple, Peter.
So sad and so much greed
Indeed. And no matter how much the wider populace knows this, there is little they can do because government and semi-government have their own questionable agendas. I am so very cynical about the lot of them. Thank God for those politicians who are Independent of parties and willing to say so.