Title change …
‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.’ So Shakespeare said.
And I must believe him because he was the Bard; the man who we are told single-handledly contributed more to the English language than any other.
What does this have to do with title changes, you ask? Simply this. I am about to change the title of The Sheriff’s Collector. I intended to change it when the finished piece went to query or e-publication anyway. And because I believe the new title fits the story so much better, I have decided to change it and copyright it immediately.
So henceforth, The Sheriff’s Collector will be known simply as Gisborne. I hope everyone approves.
What else could it have been?
And now a humble reader’s request.
Please, be gentle with him.
I will BEG, if you wish..
The title was quite self-evident really, wasn’t it? And its been hammering away at my subconscious for weeks. I’ve made as many changes as I can on the blog but there are still little appearances of the old title that require more skill than mine to change. Perhaps it won’t hurt to see the two titles together as there will be tags from the past on the blog and twitter that refer to THE SHERIFF.
Gentle with him? Gosh, I don’t know …
Lady mesmered. (voice trembles) Please… I beg you…
But still not good enough?
I had to try!
@Giselle…want I should call my Cousin Vinny for ya?! If begging doesn’t work, whackin’ might?! OK, ok, maybe we should go the bribery route? Homemade strawberry jam perhaps?
“Gisborne” works for me. Began watching RH 1 again today while it snowed. He’s just so…I don’t know what, but is Just So! *sigh* And your Gisborne is as Just So. Maybe more so.
I’m known for not being afraid to kill off characters . . .
On the other hand, I am as fond of him as you. *Whispers* I know Vinny and I am intimidated!
I need to buy the set of RH and re-watch but in the interests of ‘Gisborne’, I think I shall leave it as a memory until the story is finished. That way, the influence is much less.
Definitely approve. Gisborne. What a strong pleasure-evoking sound!
Till next episode of Gisborne, then. Whenever it comes. Sigh!
Did you see what happened, Maria? I put it on Facebook earlier today. In re-naming the file, the whole of the latest chapter which I finished last night, vanished. Over 2500 words!
I have trawled over inch of the computer and can’t seem to locate it.
Re-writing at this moment. Found handwritten notes in rubbish-bin and working from those!
This raises an interesting question: when did you decide on the titles of your three novels? Was it an ongoing process as it seems to be with this story? What?