Seeking words . . .

My vision of tweeting and blogging is of little words flying around in techno-space, rather like the Golden Snitch, and someone as fast as a Seeker has to scoop up a word and make sense of it. If the Seeker misses, then your words continue to fly around . . . unread, unappreciated and with no followers. When a word is caught and a comment is left on the blog, its like a point being scored in the afore-mentioned match of quidditch. Its all about synchronicity I guess. You go seeking for the right words just as I put them up.  And with luck and good hand-eye coordination, you catch them in your hands and read and enjoy.  This is what I want to happen when I write my books . . . that you the quidditch player will catch my Snitch words and score a goal!

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