After a busy week in the Big Smoke, I’m so glad it is Friday…

I’ve studied book-pricing in depth and submitted three e-books for global advertising. (Yes! Go to and grab them whilst they are on sale!).

I finally re-discovered a map of 12th century Constantinople with print large enough to read easily.

I wrote a couple of thousand words this week.

I searched for the face of Michael for the book cover (still not completely happy with choices but trust my cover designer to help me with my dilemma and turn sow’s ears into silk purses.).

I loaded up a Desert Island Books blog post with stellar hist.fict writer, Alison Morton, ready to publish on Sunday. And I accepted an invitation from a wonderful writing group to become part of a new hist.fict anthology team – the premise is absolutely wonderful and will lace through the tales like a piece of fine, precious, gold thread.

Fridays are always a nice wind-down with my embroidery group where we stitch and chat, solving the world’s issues over a cup of tea and choccie biscuits. I’m currently winding down with a piece of Florentine stitching – making a spectacle case.

I then load the overnight bag in the car with Dog, throw in another bag with some weekend fodder for us and head off to House. At the very least, Dog and I need to get there before dusk, in time to walk on the beach; he off-lead and me just ‘breathing deep and seeking peace’ (words pillaged from Dinotopia.)

Today, I left the Big Smoke bathed in sunshine. And as I trundled over hill and dale, it seemed I was getting closer to a bank of grey cloud, smothering the world in a deeply dour mood. I could see the sun in my rearview mirror and wondered if should I turn round and return to the city for the weekend?

But then I thought of Dog – he gets to run off-lead and his joy is unsurpassed. I thought of the pear and apple paste I want to make tomorrow from our orchard hoard. But mostly I thought about the forecast of rain and how GOOD that will be for me to get on with ‘Michael’ – Book Three of The Triptych Chronicle. So I kept driving toward the steel grey skies and sea.

Dog and I walked on the beach as soon as we got to House…

The only fresh green in nature as we enter the stripped back look of winter…

As long as Dog can shell-seek, he has no interest in grey-as-grief seas and skies…

I found shark egg-cases twined into seaweed…

And the tragedy of the last couple of weeks – many many little tropical leatherjackets who swam down to us in the East Australian Current (think Nemo and the turtle-dudes surfing that slipstream). Once the little silver fish hit our cooler waters, they died. So very sad…

The other tragedy was that some brainless bogan decided our beach was worth using as his personal ATV track. Honestly, where do I begin?

Anyhoo – off to enjoy the last bit of Friday night and wishing you all a good weekend and one last thing…

Go buy some good books by Prue Batten –  writer.

Run, don’t walk, people!